Lightly used
Every thing was normal intel mark came up there was something under line. It looked like the link and I clicked it and it sent to this weird puzzle place.
Hello, so I have just discovered the wonders of Logic. What are some tips/introductory products that you have?
jUsT iGnOrE tHe BuLlIeS
I’m Trans. I am your neighbor.
Stumbled across this on tik tok
What have you done in lucid dreaming or want to do?
I'm new to this, Whats your one most useful tip to have a successful lucid dream
What do you think about language reform?
Is it possible to try to have lucid dreams using MILD and WILD at the same time?
Fear of Paralysis and Body Rattling before sleep
More success today!
I need more types of reality checks
TIL a rose is called "το τριαντάφυλλο" or "the thirty leaf". W h a t
Good question!
I'm curious about where do you fall into here
Confused if I had sleep paralysis or a dream.
Felt happy for the first time in a long time
How do I turn this type of dream into a proper lucid dream
I met someone who told me they were dreaming in my dream
i tried lucid dreaming: i fellt that my body fell asleep, while my mind was still awake, but i couldn't enter a dream. I lied there for about an hour. Why is this?
Only aware of meta-dreams
I had success finally again.
Saying goodbye to dream people
Crazy theory