The best ability they can give Part 2 Gogeta
this yall goat?
Is there any ability they can give Goku and Freeza to boost STR SSBE Vegeta into a top 10 spot?
EZA FP Freeza Active Skill (turn 7)
Based on their personalities I thought it would be flipped
4 hours until Gogeta is announced. Try to act surprised 😂
Is this just Vegito Blue cope, or could he be onto something?
If beast survives the 10th anni power creep and stays top ~7 level I think he'll have cemented himself as best unit oat.
Battled-hardened stage 1-3 no item
AGL Vegito Blue on a 220% lead 😐
How is this possible? 🤔
LR Father Son Galick Gun and LR Super Vegeta are also an option for the part 2 Carnivals
Prediction: All 6 of the 10th anniversary LRs will fall under this leader skill
Can I see some hot takes you have?
Can't wait for Red Zone Jiren to attack 30 times and get one-turned by Super Vegito
Less than 20 days until we get their EZA
Do you think this is the new normal and the red stone selection will continue to be this stacked?
When we eventually get this, which units do you think will be available to get with it?
These new official trailers for each 10th year unit are beautiful
This is probably what SSJ4 Goku's EZA will look like in 3 years time
What do you think they'll give Part 2 Super Gogeta?
Teq SSJ Goku + SSJ Vegeta Angel -> Super Vegito APT & Def, Base Forms & Transformed with 1 Goku Turn & 2 Goku Turns, 100% & 55%
If you got all six 10th anni LRs & had 500 coins, would you save them, or get a dupe of your choice?
Has anyone done the math showing which slot gives the most damage when activating Super Vegito's active skill?
TEQ Super Vegito APT {Credit to @Rhoady2000}