Dark Russet Chips taste like the delicious burnt/crispy little fries at the bottom of the Five Guys cups.
Honeymoon and ozempic
Any ideas for a 50th birthday celebrations for someone who doesn't really have any friends?
Ozempic and low blood pressure
Is it normal
Fitness Win
Library presentation topic?
How long have you had type 2 diabetes and have you had any complications?
I just watched Dead Poets Society and can't decide what hit me the hardest
Preference for chocolate protein muffins?
Child's history of England
Everytime you go to Trader Joe's, have you experienced that grocery shopping is fun discovering new things, or is it a frustrating experience?
Hit my goal !135 5 feet 2 age 49
Low calorie snacks
Toe amputation
Mini preppers?
Just me...anyone else similar?
Why Do People Think Friendship Is Real, When The Truth Is That Everyone Grows Apart?
Birthday depression anyone?
Bachelor's Degree options
Question About Eating on Ozempic
Best underrated classic comedy?
What’s one thing you miss about your childhood?
Anyone else feel like they don't really have hobbies anymore?
the million dollar question - MILK OR DARK CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS?