FINALS MATCH THREAD: 🇭🇷 Croatia v Denmark 🇩🇰
What do you all think is the worst level range in HC?
What's your longest endless run (and with which character)?
344 hours of my life. All the taters, D3, the Abyss. I'm going to play Dungeon Clawler now and come back for D5 later on
Farming nameless ritual
Nice Req Jewel I I found in Nightmare A1
What is your build and how long does it take you to run a T1?
Assassin claw bases
Egon Olsens lærling
Farming Clusters and Alterations
A 2000 year old Thracian chariot with horse skeletons.
Jack Higgins kicks the winning goal for the Saints potentially ending Carlton's finals chances (though they made finals anyway)
Hvem er een alle kender i jeres by?
Is CoC DD worth investing in as a second build? (if not, any recommendations?)
Is Grave Crafting making SSF "easier" to play?
CoC DD Weapon(s) done with the Yard
Never mix up Split Copy with Mirrored Copy Corpses
Question on summoning spectres for CoC DD
Butter bath steaks….
Failing connection to games
[Final] France 33 - 31 Denmark - Post Match Thread
Most efficient farming for 6-link?
Hvad er den bedste dansksprogede podcast, som ikke bare er kendte mennesker der snakker om sig selv?
Been grinding ToTa for a decent amount of time, but no lucky drops. Decided to buy one apotechary and gamble
Overfald midt på gaden ved midnatstid: Ung kvinde omringet, slået i ansigtet og visiteret af tre voldelige mænd ved groft gaderøveri