Wouldn’t China be better off if it had the same type of relationship with Taiwan: as Germany has with Austria, or the UK has with Ireland?
Who are your top 3 Democratic Presidential Candidates for 2028?
Have you read: “Animal Farm” or “1984”?
Have you read: “Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang”
If the Universe is finite, if you traveled at very high relativistic speeds, would length contraction mean you could reach the end of the Universe?
TIL only 1 US President has been born after 1946.
What would happen if JD Vance refuses to certify the 2028 Election, like Trump asked Pence to do in 2020?
What would have happened if Mike Pence had refused to certify the 2020 election as Trump asked him to?
What is your favourite non-American TV Show?
How many Electoral College Votes would Canada have if it was the 51st state?
Who would you like to see them interview?
Who were the voice actors in Alpha Centauri, and did they ever voice or appear in anything else?
What AM/FM Emergency Radio do you recommend?
What movies, given hindsight, are now seen as prophetic?
What would you do if the USA invades: Canada, Panama, or Denmark?
[Serious] who should be the next Republican Presidential Candidate?
[Serious] who should be the next Democratic Presidential Candidate?
What is your favourite TV Show or Movie from each of the 4 CANZUK countries?
Non New Zealanders Redditors - what is your favourite New Zealand TV Show or Movie?
Non Canadian Redditors - what is your favourite Canadian TV Show or Movie?
Non Australian Redditors - what is your favourite Australian TV Show or Movie?