The Search For Instagram’s Worst Con Artist thoughts?
Best signing so far.
How do the leads decide which calls the SWAT teams get dispatched on?
Likes Dislikes about the OG Team
Kevin is still practicing his boxing moves in case anyone is interested 😏
Make the chat look like Chances Google history
WM Father of 20yr old seeking advice
Beast Games - Episode 6 Discussion
Cameo- who’s there and price.
Individual Cast Photos RHOA SEASON 16
So this happened today
Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch (Prime Video)
Whole order just cancelled
Watched The Wasp (2024) last night.
Hannah Brown on a 14 Day Water-Only Fast…
Is anyone else mourning the imminent loss of the Joann stores?
Matt and Rachael have broken up
I’m genuinely rooting for Jimmy and beast games but episode 5 was a swing and a miss
Yarn baby freaks out over her work compared to Yarn Bee
Beating a barber, stealing his clippers, then posting it over a bad cut.
Lala Kent talking about herself in third person
The crochet girlies are not selling well
I wish we had gotten a chance to see Ariana’s (and Katie’s) real friend group more
There’s this new show on Netflix-conquer or die. It’s kinda like physical 100