Nice 1 vs. 3
To all Edgar, Mortis and Buzz Lightyear randoms:
"One power level doesn't make a difference"
I hate this game.
Enough for Content Creator??
Type any supercell character with your eyes closed
Nice try, mico
When are you an OG in brawl stars?
Nice tripple kill
How many titles do you have?
9 Days left
My mates in a nutshell
Resistance is futile
How did this happen...
Thank you, el primo
Bug Stars...
This should be illegal
Price Check, What do you guys think about the prices?
What’s your highest brawler this season?
How do you deal with sarcastic likes?
Spending 60 gems to change your nickname after 3 years of not changing it is absurd.
These guys have been S tier for sooooooooo long
Is the respawn with super a bug or just a recent buff to chuck
How to get botmatches on the contests ?
I also agree that this is the buggiest update so far.