am I trippin or is she dodging my question?
Hiding brands?
I don’t think lean will be seen with kanye again
Good Lord... what?
account deactivated over other peoples pins
Can a Seller Get in Trouble for Selling Fake Stuff?
i love wholesome experiences lol
What is your the most notable lyrics you’ve misheard from bladee cause of his accent
What's your Bladee hot take?
People are trash
Was I rude?
Has anybody had this happen?
bladee at the grammys
a dgsbe song u wish was longer
Who is the most handsome dgsbe member?
What’s the one item from your shop you miss most and regret selling all the time? 😅
Bladee who goes there 2019 Manchester
Some people's children....
Smooth skin
Yeah…. How informative, thanks.
marble phone
Has this happened to you?
Why don’t they just date ?
Monthly Goal Thread