Why do you start smoking pipe?
Who's your smoking buddy
What ages well?
One blend to rule them all - if you could only smoke one…?
Need a recommendation for a replacement tobacco.
Discussion on the relative price of pipe tobacco
Nice lightweight briars?
Is it wrong to LIKE smoking my pipe fast and hot?
Anyone else laughing at all of the unsold firebird in tinbids?
At what point does smoking a pipe make you "a smoker"?
Best pipe tobacco for rolling cigarettes
More STG collateral
is Old dark fired ready rubbed ever coming back?
MuttnChop Piper - we gotta do our part
My new pipes
A Blast From the Past.
Newbie question
My cellar
I sure hope I panic bought the right blends.
Big ole mail call!
Three Nuns
i’m not a heavy smoker, and i opened my tin of golden sliced and my tin of cringleflake to put into jars after about 2 months of sitting
panic buy pt 2
Any suggestion on a first time buyer pipe kit?
Quick question about opening cellared jars