What’s a subtle sign that someone had a good childhood?
cup writings
i had no idea greek style “____ house of pizza” style pizza was regional until i moved
Ideas on how to style my hair with this dress?
i’ll be attending a couples themed costume party next month, solo. any ideas for what i should go as?
Do the short bangs work for me or should I let them grow out?
Straight people's views on opposite sex relationships
New set I did! Opinions?
Is it normal for a hairstylist to give you their personal phone number?
What do non Spanish speakers think of "Emilia Perez"?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Utterly clueless trans girl with no idea what to do with my hair
If you wondered why traffic can be so bad sometimes in Boston...
Is it normal to pick up kids by their heads?
What is something that hurts more than people think?
How should I change my eyebrows?
I unintentionally harm my girlfriend during sex
Only sociopaths need apply
Nazi bumper stickers on Teslas
Whats a beautiful girl name to you ?
How old were you when you realized Santa wasn’t real?
To those who left Boston: What don't you miss? (And what, surprisingly, you do)
DAE never rage at video games?
Bisexual people of reddit, what was your bi-awakening?
What is one place you will never visit again and why?