Brian Tyler is likely to be the composer for Jurassic World Rebirth
Lonely People With Power - Vinyl Variants (updating with links) MEGATHREAD
Spindle Size of Debut iii? (for record clamp purchasing)
The Crow Film Score Suite - Volker Bertelmann
Ranked Play Glitching After Match
Ranked is broken atm- Lose SR win or loss
is it safe to leave (ranked)
Ranked Play - Trapped underground after finishing a game
PSA: Trench Yellow Repress Back in Stock
Yellow Trench vinyl help!
AEK-973 full auto in Warzone
Double XP tokens DISAPPEARED??
Is it just me?
Has anyone received their vinyl from Sharptone yet?
Deliver us from life
Unreleased score from Alien Romulus
Overall thoughts on Black Ops 6 Zombies?
camos not applying
The Black Queen - Josh Eustis?
MW3 Rewind - Perform 3 Finishing Moves/Executions...
[LEAK] Godspeed You Black Emperor - "No Title as of 13 February 2024 28,340 Dead"
So Mombasa is the best song, right?