Does anyone know what Haff set this is?
Tip: Messmer is MUCH easier without multiplayer summons
Misconceptions about Buddhism online and on Reddit held by beginners, outsiders and secular buddhists.
If looks could kill
@dravenbigmassivehuge on TikTok
High-resolution Buddhism chart / cheatsheet for printing
Warning: Influx of late wipe blatant cheaters
We added hair fibers to the floatings corpses, it adds to the underwater feeling we pushing for and makes them 100x more creepy!
Is it possible for a lay person to achieve Nirvana?
Why do some people struggle to understand rebirth?
Would you say that the sensation of boredom is a result of attachment to anything other than being present in moment?
Can a buddhist be buddhist and really only practice buddhism but still truth in other religions?
(not for the faint of heart) this is a complete history of how I became Buddhist(posted on the Christianity forum but I want to post this here.
Can a Buddhist be Agnostic Theist as well?
Help with Desire/Attachment to Another Person
Should every action taken be to increase the happiness/dharma of the most amount of people?
He does a little
Low Sodium/Hypertension-Friendly Diet
5.45x39 Ultra Silent Consistently Shooting Low at all ranges
Does anyone know why the sniper in Woods killed me while I was still inbounds?
Has anyone seen anything about these wheels? I can't find any info about them.
I just started playing again, and this is STILL happening? It feels like it hasn't gotten better at all.
[PC] [H] TW and Black base rocket boost [W] offers
[PC][H]White and Black Standard Boost [W] offers
[PC] [H] Buffy-Sugo blueprint [W] offers