Drunk guy messes with camera man with iron fists
What are you guys doing for a living?
Road Roid Rage vs. Chill Grandpa
I love my diagnosis
Is it bad to move on from FP too quickly?
can someone tell me if it ever got better?
Thinking of Ending Things
Med question
I'm tired!!!
Memories of my BPD ex
What's something your therapist said that changed you?
My partner killed himself after he forced me to break up with him during an episode.
it hurts even just to stay alive
Closure UA [mega-thread]
Experience with Abilify/Aripiprazole
Esmiuçamento e escrutínio [ESAN files]
Give me reasons to live.
I lost 4250$ to gambling
when will I get up?
Struggle to stay single because my need for male validation. Anyone else?
Desperate for love
PSA: "Narcs" is now a prohibited topic
shittiest thing youve done bc u hated someone
running out of time