She’s trying to convince us that she likes Callahan LMAO
My toddler has ZERO patience
SD ignores us
BM always bringing up the past
Are you guys getting your step kids Valentine’s Day gifts
How often do your kids see their grandparents?
This is the ugliest outfit I think I’ve ever seen
Half birthday
Siblings watching ours baby
What the actual fuck lmao
Forced thigh gap
Is daycare going to f**k up my toddler?
“I don’t like fitted things” WHATTT
Please don’t give this bitch a PODCAST?!
She can’t stand this kid
SD called me fat
What am I doing wrong?
BM irks me to no end
BM in frequent contact with SIL
Now that I’m a stepmom…
I feel dumb because of this…
This stance is so ridiculous
New glasses same as E