15 dogs: Price? Experience?
My bf surprised me but I don’t love it am I an Aaa*hole
Customer wants 3 meet& greets
20F + 20M 76k a year. Average in our area is 37k
High anxiety dog destroys my house every time we leave
23-28 year olds, how much are you making right now and what do you do?
My bf refuses to buy me female products (pads) and now I’m upset..
My big dog is scared shitless of other big dogs
What do you admire most about your significant other, that isn’t their body/appearance?
Is my training method cruel?
Visiting grandparents and saw this on their dogs head, what is this?
Weekly Personal Nutrition Discussion - All Personal Diet Questions Go Here
I’m so confused. Everything was fine. We even share locations and have our read receipts on for eachother. I think I’m not gonna reply after this.
Just made the dumbest mistake
Can they take my dog?
My first ever white coach bag
constant darkness effect?
My sentence has been served
What percent of your monthly income goes toward the house?
How long can i wait for a removal (realistically)
Repeat Client
I finally found my maximalist dream bag + I’m obsessed
First house sit
AIO for breaking up with my boyfriend after finding these texts?
27M w/ 6 years in the railroad. I just quit