Thought I'd show the final boss I made for a map I'm currently working on, hopefully available to download for bedrock edition soonish!
My first serious game, GALACDRIVE, hits beta today! It's a mobile focused game that runs on the web. I've been working on it since march and would love some criticism!
Tariff Dunk
Don't give up on your dreams (of going green)
Had a dream that I was in a coma, woke up in 2029, and Microsoft had released Windows 12 and 13, respectively.
Something happened to the ebook viewer on my pc a couple weeks ago and now it's super slow & loads PDFs incorrectly
I wish we had the option for electric vehicles..
Minimal self-sustained space platform
If only we could pipe exhaust...
What next, after factorio?
Manic Depressive Disorder
You've heard of space bricks, now get ready for the Aquilo phallus
Hololive announced all-new project "DREAMS" a smartphone game that expect to be a new rhythm gacha game.
Does anyone have pictures/footage of the Madison, WI rally?!
Build A Game
Tips for Gleba?
For anyone who's played with the nebula mod, how did it go?
An Idea that came to mind...
Buckle up and pray for this wild ride
Advice making friends
Is there any good rhythm games where you dont need a special controller
Why Wube, why?! :.(
Should i add more lanes to my main bus?