[discussion] underrated limited series?
I crocheted a duck (with removable hat 🤭)
How many packets does it take to satisfy you?
What should I name this cutie
woke up and saw this in the toilet
dropped my fucking phone
This guy wants to go to Japan
What do y’all think???
Is Pubert a bad name?
Surprisingly successful bait, usually I scare them off when I tell them my name is throckmorton
Give me your top 5 guilty pleasure names that you just *know* you’ll get ranted at for in this sub
Pubert anyone?
Guess the dish 😂
Boy name to honour LYDIA?
PUBERT?! Lord have mercy.
What kind of name is Pubert??
Rate my fit as a soccer ball
Where to find co founder
Being a Web Developer..
What instantly changes your view of someone?
My Baby girl Choti
Heavy on purse but was good