[FS] San Jose CA - 10$ 16sq inches of Monte Carlo (multiple containers available) + flat 9$ USPS priority shipping
[FS] - San Jose, CA - 500$ Three brand new 40 gallon breeders + rack
Got gifted a wollemi pine for Christmas and it's struggling. What should I do?
[FS] San Jose CA - 14$+ Malaysian Driftwood, Spiderwood, Shrimp Wood, Azalea wood (What you see is what you get)
[FS] San Jose CA - 10$ 16sq inches of Monte Carlo (multiple containers available) + 9$ USPS priority shipping
How you all storing your extra rocks and substrate?
Extra pics p2
Extra pictures
[FS] San Jose CA - Seiryu, Dragonstone, Hakki Stone, Lava Rock, Coral Rock - 2.5-3.5$ per lb (FREE SHIPPING)
New Import images
Hardscape feedback
[LF]- dwarf sag, amazon swords, java fern, crypts, and christmas moss, cabomba carolina- Walnut CA (LA county)
[FS]- San Jose, CA - 20$ per box - Assorted boxes with different types of aquarium wood
[FS] San Jose CA - Dragonstone, Seiyru - 2.5$ a lb
This is my paludarium (5 minutes before I realized I had a leak)
I thought I might share some pictures of bulk aquarium hardscape that my supplier sent me
[FS] - San Jose CA - 2.5-3$ per lb - Frodo Stone, Dragonstone, Pagoda stone, Coral Rock, Red Pagoda stone, Fossilized Wood, Seiyru, (FREE SHIPPING)
Started planting my paludarium today - More plants to come.
A update post on my Paludarium, I just finished the foaming step and now I'm onto siliconing the coconut fiber
[FS] - San Jose CA - 5 rimless aquariums - 230$ - shipping is 60-100$
Why is wood expensive..
Starting on my first Paludarium right now! The wood choices are killing me
[FS] - San Jose CA - 25$-75$ Spider Wood (shipping price included)
Our website is finally live, link in comments and on our profile, feel free to check it out and provide feedback!
We just got some new product pictures from our supplier - products will be shipped to our warehouse very soon!