The Food Ignoramus gets worse everyday
New Home Owner, hit me with the musts
Can you have a gym membership?
SmartWings Motorized Blinds…. Anyone Have Them? Are They Nice?
Don't know how you do it but this is the best way I found to wash my baking mats.
Our groceries are $700-$800 for two people with pretty minimal food habits and I can't figure out why (Vancouver)
Checking on support requests
What’s an old fashioned name that you hope never comes back?
Looking for fresh (girl) names that aren’t too popular that end in an A.
AITA for calling my coworker a "nosy b*tch" after she kept insisting to know my husband's salary?
Tips on getting a dog not to pull as much?
Just need to vent
Without using the words ugly or dumb, why don’t you like the name Harper?
Anecdotally, what are you hearing everyone name their kids?
How often do you use WhatsApp?
Mixed breed owners: what “is” your dog?
Late night snacks for a cancer patient, please?
Wash your eggs? (Netherlands)
Cheese names! 🧀
How do I get this off a stainless steel pan?
AITA for not wanting to go to my brother's wedding, even though the 'bad blood' was 2 years ago ?
I feel as though high quality, crisp listing photos are now a detriment
Okay to name my baby my maiden name even if my friend just used it for her baby?
AITA for not fully cooking dinner for my gf because she rarely eats when its ready?
asked to foster sweet lady with health issue for up to 1yr - insights or words of advice?