I hope that everyone I’ve hurt within the last two years has found/is finding the peace and healing they deserve
Commissions are open! Be sure to read all the terms and contact me if you have any questions
An official statement from one of the mods
Kirstin Elaine Martin Claims "Smoking Gun" coming today
So itchy after period
Why is this sub reading like soft core lately
jaking off
It looks disgusting!
pand express
extra love
Does anyone else constantly want to provoke other people
All hell naw planting is getin his own mov on nextfix
Technically true…
This is probably my favorite scene and episode but I’m not really sure why
Why did Skyler have such a double standard for the criminals in her house?
Yum 🤤
Is there a lore reason we didn’t see Marty get a windy from Wendy?
What being way too far down the rabbit hole looks like..
In response to the post asking if Saul is hot- yes, a million times. And here’s why.
We need to show that there's more to fear from us than from Musk or MAGA.
A brief break in the serious
This bald dude is currently blocking members of Congress from entering the department of Education