What guns should I be using I’m struggling with everything
Which shotgun should I go after
This is a team game folks
Give Targeted Redaction Another Chance
Has anyone else swapped classes and just been so much better?
Looking for new cue
OkHealing Shafts (12.4, 11.5, United Joints) w/ Joss Sneaky Pete -> perfect beater setup that plays great.
What is your favorite cue or cue/shaft combination?
Strive players need to learn the shower matchup
Password Reset link for staging goes directly to login page
Now that's a bad start to the morning.
I think I prefer my Chinese CF cue over my Cuetec Avid Sneaky Pete
OKHealing Carbon Shafts - Great Value shaft if you replace the tips
Is cuetec avid butt fit perfectly between 2 gap connect to a cuetec shaft 3/8x14 12.5mm
Best encounter to farm for Zealot's Reward?
Breaking with playing cue
Piling on to what we’ve all been told, but, without hyperbole, Pizz’amici is the best pizza I’ve ever had
Don’t Be That Guy!
What break cue besides BK Rush would you buy?
Looking forward to all of the hot takes.
Cuetec Truewood - can I leave it in the car? Hot summer, cold winters
Bought today
What made Dead or Alive 6 a "bad" game?