Who’s the worst rapper Eminem has collabed with?
Rank these “love” songs
Am I the only one who thinks the relapse cover doesn’t look like Eminem
Fuel (2024) is the first song to get into our late-Eminem mixtape (songs after Recovery). What will be the 2nd?
Create your Eminem playlist, can’t choose the same song
Bad rappers of the 90’s and 2000’s?
Is that Statement True ?
If you can only listen to 2 Eminem albums for the rest of your life what are you choosing?
What sentences can you make with eminem song names? I’ll go first:
Type any Eminem bar with your eyes clodes
I found a strange bug with what looks like eggs on it’s back
Do y’all think Em will win the Grammy for best rap album?
Act like this song just leaked
Why is Eminem afraid of Hailie?
Guys I was just born today, what Eminem song should I listen to?
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Eminem quiz (#10)
I fucking died
What’s your favorite album from your second favorite rapper?
What actor do you think could play Eminem during his Shady days?
Would you rather listen to Bitch Please II or Bump Heads on repeat until death
Share A Moment Of Y'all Hearing Eminem Song unexpectedly.
18 - 23 Lost the baby fat and gained some confidence ✌️
How would u feel if Em started saying the word faggot again in songs
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard