What is the most idealized type on r/mbti?
Is anyone still here?
Danielewski making Johnny write about how cool and creepy The Navidson Record is
I've lost all ambition.
I hate being physically weaker than almost all men.
Does Ni or Ne have a stronger link to the avant-garde?
Is The Handmaid's Tale just boring at first?
[IIL] this, [WEWIL]? Any media with this vibe will be appreciated.
Tell me about yourself.
How to flirt with a 5? I’m a 1 female here.
What's a country whose culture you secretly find boring/unlikeable?
Why do essay books tend to "ramble" (or am I the problem)?
Why do many essay books seem to stay away from summarizing an idea before going into detail?
Couldn't even use the Ti-Ne to be smart or something
Why do you guys care about sharing your emotions and connecting with others authentically?
Am I the only one not a big fan of Enneagram by Sleeping at Last?
What is your childhood memory and what music do you think of?
Besides tasting it or conducting scientific tests, what are some fast ways to differentiate flat Sprite and clean water?
Radiohead, Tame Impala, The Strokes fan trying to get into Swans since I've heard they're good
say nice things about fives here
How would you metaphorically describe the experience of being an INTP?
What do you think is the "best" language?
A healthy person doesn't have enneagram
Mother 5w4 sp/so 539 and father 6 so/sx. What will the child be like in your opinion?
Enneagram is less about fears/desires than people think