For those of you who joined in your mid 20s and up,was it worth it?
What job is better?
Should I go to the military or community college first?
Joining the Air Force (or any military branch really) in your late 20’s. How is/was the experience?
Bi-Weekly Recruiting Thread
Side hustles
None Aviation side hustle
Books That Will Change Your Life (or at Least Your Mind)
Is it worth changing branches for AET?
1st job with the new hire
Just Started Reading BAP
How many hours did you study for the ASVAB?
Stuck between MST and MK
Failed my ASVAB.
Boeing AMT raise
Job security
Never thought of this
Did anybody join the military in their 20’s as a last resort because no other career was a good fit for them or either because they felt lost in life ?
Just Got Done With MEPs!
A New War
I have a squishy lump on the top right of my testicle.
Retrieving a stuck balloon from a high ceiling.