"The Doxxing of Nyanko". This post contains serious topics, like doxxing, swatting, porn, etc. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable, please don't look. Most data was taken from CutCafe's video on this.
Which DW character is this?
boobs tier list (please made one NSFW please I'm on my goddamn knees)
pencil drawing with anonymous male (16+ warning)
What do you hate in Dandy's world
wholesome tierlists are such a good idea
I guess we doin tierlists now
Yooo Rocky and Grassy yooo
It's kinda been brushed over but, as of now, just over half of the TPOT cast has been eliminated, what were the most unexpected eliminations of the first half?
Which upcoming killer are you most excited for?
Which survivor/killer are You guys most excited for?
First post on new subreddit, r/alignmentchartfills
In order to start establishing this subreddit, suggest some characters for this 21x13 alignment chart
reintroducing Ventri! bonus question: what would an interaction between her and your OC be like?
Jealous Lollipop blocks your OC’s way! And starts talking up a storm…..What does your OC do?
You must defend your favorite character in court. How hard is your job?
Who’s this? (wrong answers only // lets see who’s the most creative)
goob redesign
these show hosts do NOT play around 😭🙏
Y0u w0nT M4k3 iT f4r...
remade poppy, who's next?
Progress on my BFDI RPG idea, added the basic dodging and attacking. Guess which game the combat is inspired from, impossible.
If your OC was canon, how do you think the fandom would commonly mischaracterize them?
Your birth month is the character you pissed off. How screwed are you?