How do you motivate yourself to exercise?
What are little things that your non-ADHD partner does that make you feel seen/loved?
Has anyone played 'lost in play'? It looks great, like playing a cartoon, but I have never seen anyone mention it on here.
How would you describe your brain?
which games do you invest in the most?
Anyone have the extreme opposite of the impulse buying stereotype?
Video games, do you play and if so which?
Unpacking is finally on sale - switch
What recommendations have you seen on this sub that actually made a difference in your skin?
what’s a common adhd tendency that you don’t relate to?
What are your ADHD Game Changers?
What issue in the UK do you not think is talked about enough?
New to the UK, and struggling with winter. How does everybody else do it!?
Tip of my tongue: what is the jacket/coat British women love to wear?
What patterns did you notice before everyone else?
Which British TV show would you bring back for a one-off Christmas special if you could?
What games did we receive or treat ourselves with for the holiday?
Game/s you thought you'd love that you ended up not liking and why?
Which famous person/ person in the public eye do you hate for a petty or unclear reason?
Games for depression
Games like "a little to the left"?
garden flipper on switch
Royal Caribbean dropped my luggage into the ocean and won't give full reimbursement
What song do you want played at your funeral?
Late diagnosis ADHDers, did you choose medication, or not? Pros, cons?