I feel trapped
What's Up with Tectone ?
Edens Zero Chapter 247 Link and Discussion
Edens Zero Chapter 246 Link and Discussion
Chapter 243 Links and Discussion
Parallel and a coincidence... Could this be
hello Everyone do you know other anime like tomodachi game with manipulation, trust...?
Whats a series that you enjoy but at the same time think is average?
Carbon Copy
Spoilers for Chapter 185
That sentence hasn't aged very well
Those who also watch Fairy Tail, how would the Dark Triad rank in their universe?
About the bomb ??
Which Ether Gear is the most versatile and why?
How does Star Drain work?
Help about Eden zero volume 12 cover?????Why do i see this pic when i search for the volume and not shiki on Amazon?how will it look when i buy it?
I started watching the anime and Shiki's power usage really bothers me.
Biggest Problems, and Future of WSJ
I don't mean to brag or anything, but I have finally found vol 4 after 3 months of searching.
Volume 19 sell 20,951 units in four days
What do suppose Holy's real name is?
Please help my find the name to this song in the anime
is this really a war?