Routes to Europe
Kuranda honest opinions
What’s wrong with this cricket? She’s been walking around in a very unusual manner, and there’s something unusual with her rear end. She was euthanized, and later dissected, and I found no eggs in her body. Anybody know what’s wrong with her?
How to deal with parents who are in denial about my condition?
Effect of cinnamon
I broke my G string
Micro bats
Foo Fighters' Dave Grohl announces birth of child born 'outside my marriage'
Worst name you’ve come across in real life
Cairns Airport Transport
Just found out one of my boys has a 95% chance of developing T1D
Life just goes on
My girlfriend saw a version of me without a face.
Marrying a type 1 diabetic
DAE hate putting a new dexcom on
Partner wants to buy into my house
How is it women notice men checking them out but I’ve never noticed women doing it to men, and especially me?
Traveling with T1
17 year old looking to move out of home
Blood sugar spiking around 4 hours after eating
Will Blood Sugar Always Spike After Eating?