VT Master playing Black Ops 6
I asked a lil over a month ago on an old acc whether it's possible to go from dia to master before 2025. Apparently i just hit it LOL i'm suprised because i thought you needed a master score in every category
Trying to improve my aim, where do I start?
Somehow, imagining "throwing" my bullets make me aim better. Or jabbing at them for shotguns.
Season 23 in a nutshell
Mantle jumps
Tops for ranked ( Platinum)
Shoutout to the fucker who didn’t shower
Please help
Im new to the aim community, is this good score for tile frenzy?
The new map is a W - the loot is horrendous
Impossible badge
After literally years of complaining it looks like apex will finally be enjoyable to play on KBM if you're looking to play a long TTK MNK shooter
What 600 hours of kovaaks does to a mf
Ranked is a hilarious train wreck.
I Made It To Gold Rank For The First Time Since I Started Playing And It Feels Amazing!
What i got with a 98.2% average
Why are pro player still using claw grips when controllers with paddles exist?
What are the best weapon combos in apex?
Cant believe no changes to ranked. Im out.
What made ranked harder this season?
this fkn thing..
Why do people seem to avoid using two guns with the same ammo type?
No, it’s just saying rich people are assholes. (real)
I finished diamond 3, game says I finished gold 1 for split one.